What do we do?

As the number of Brazilian immigrants continually increases in Canada. Life for Lives has developed a support system to help facilitate the integration of new immigrants into Canadian society. While the Center provides emotional support, it is also involved in promoting information about Canada’s multicultural society and strives to create harmonious relationships with diverse communities. Although Brazilian in its identity, the Center welcomes all races in its heart.

Dedicated to the mission of strengthening the Portuguese-Brazilian community, the Center plays a vital role in the development of the community. One of the main concerns that the Center faces is cultural assimilation, which is why it develops programs that help newcomers to Toronto.

The Brazilian Community Center was created to bring representation and provide services to the Brazilian community. The Brazilian community needs your help to become even stronger. The mission of the Brazilian Community Center is to care for our community and work so that it has more and more representation in Canada. For that, we count on you!


Informative lectures on subjects of interest to the community, given by qualified professionals in several areas.

Business development

Encouraging the opening of new companies through free advice to Brazilian entrepreneurs, promoting the economic growth of the community.

Culture, Health and Leisure

Free consultancy services through local Brazilian doctors to inform and answer questions from the community about diseases and treatments available in Canada. Encouraging the practice of sports in a safe and well-structured environment in order to strengthen the unity of the Brazilian community. Theater and cultural development workshops.

Transforming lives with love


Become a Volunteer

Our volunteers give their time and lend a variety of skills to the cause, helping the society to learn about the work of L4L and sharing the opportunity to make a difference.