We started the Heart to Heart project in August 2015, but in 2017 is when we fully opened up the organization and started to distribute the pillows to the hospitals.

The project started in the United States by Janet Kramer Mai, a breast cancer specialist at the Erlanger Breast Resource Centre in Chattanooga, Tennessee was diagnosed with breast cancer. Inspired by Janet, the project was taken to Denmark by nurse Nancy Fries-Jensen, from Frederiksberg Hospital, where it then spread across some parts of Europe. 

Today the heart pillow is being used by thousands of breast cancer patients, it is designed to:

Life for Lives, along with volunteers has distributed around 600 pillows. We want to continue this project not only in Toronto, but across the country to help ease the pain, and support the patients who have been affected by breast cancer.

Transforming lives with love


Become a Volunteer

Our volunteers give their time and lend a variety of skills to the cause, helping the society to learn about the work of L4L and sharing the opportunity to make a difference.