Sertão Vivo 5th Fundraising Gala
November 5th, 2022 at 6PM
Pearson Convention Center
Adult Ticket: 150$ (Includes: Cocktail, 3 Course meal & Open Bar)

Sertão Vivo Project
Every $35 changes a child’s future!
No child should be left behind—every small donation makes a huge impact.
Give hope. Donate today!
Our Programs Have Made An Impact on
Families around
the world.
Children living in
extreme poverty in Brazil.
seniors enrolled in our
workshop program.
Women around the
Toronto GTA benefit
from our heart pillows.

Experience the joy of
changing a child's life.
Sponsor one of our causes by making one time donations or be a monthly donor

Sponsor one of our causes by making one time donations or be a monthly donor
Our annual sponsors

Why volunteer with us:
Why should I volunteer with Life for Lives?
In a word, need. There is such a great need for children and families living in poverty to have their voices heard. But also… we really need YOU! Our volunteers give their time and lend a variety of skills to the cause, helping the society to learn about the work of L4L and sharing the opportunity to make a difference.
When can I start volunteering?
As soon as you fill out the application form, our volunteer coordinators work hard to assess the best fit. In some cases, reference checks and interviews are required. We will contact you once your application has been fully processed. You can expect to hear from us within 1-2 weeks from the date you submit your application.
Our mission
Expresses the challenge of interacting and integrating with the various sectors of civil society, developing innovative actions with children, youth, women, men and the elderly in the social and educational areas. In the perspective that society is motivated to help people in situations of social vulnerability in a multicultural and sustainable model.
Our vision
That individuals in a situation of social vulnerability, be motivated and helped to develop skills, making them entrepreneurs and autonomous.
Our values
We practice Solidarity, with Love, Respect and Responsibility. Providing the Autonomy of individuals, through Education in a Multicultural and Sustainable model.