Goal Achieved – Help a sick Woman and her Husband to have running clean water and a bathroom. Thank you for Helping!

We’re here!

And we are going to show you the joy Janaina’s family with her husband for the construction of bathroom and cistern built in their homes. We are so blessed to have contributed to this family’s conditions. They are now able to take a proper shower and have dignity when using the washroom at home.

Have you ever imagined living in a house without the slightest structure?
No water, no power, no bathroom?
Well, this is the reality of hundreds of families that live in the sertão of the Brazilian Northeast.

Join us and become a transforming agent in the lives of these families. Our hearts are filled with hope, love, joy and gratitude to see the sincere smile on the faces of these warrior people.

We count on you to transform the lives of more families!

Janaina is ill, with back problems that limit her from working or standing for more than a few minutes. She lives with her husband in a rural area in the Sertão Northeast region of Brazil. To reach the urban area / central region of Brazil from where they live, hitchhiking is their only option and is approximately an hour and a half away.
Their living conditions are extremely severe and one of the biggest problems and challenges that they face is that they do not have running water and a bathroom in their homes.

How can we help?

By helping Janaina’s cause you take a big step in changing their life by delivering more dignity, well-being and health with the bathroom and water cistern that will be built.

What is a Water Cistern?

Water storage tanks, also known as cisterns, are primarily used to store water for domestic and consumptive purposes in households or buildings. Cisterns are typically found in areas where a potable water source is not available in the community or area, yields low well water capacity, or the groundwater quality.